About Dr. Roxanne Smith

The truth is that I did not understand how to feed my body so that I could THRIVE, not just survive. And my medical degree did not give me an in-depth education in nutrition. I was taught to deal with the body’s symptoms by treating them with medication, rather than looking at that symptom as a message from the body that something deeper needed to be healed. And I definitely was not taught that the symptoms the body expressed were also tied to the emotional body, traumas experienced and spiritual health.

I experienced my own health issues while simultaneously treating patients who were also searching for answers. I tried every diet on the market from the Atkins diet, the grain-free diet, South Beach, P90X, the Keto diet and more. None worked for long. I did a fitness and body-building training that included a low-calorie protocol, at one time doing an hour of cardio twice a day plus heavy weight training. I got down to 135lbs and I looked fabulous but my body was malnourished and my hair broke off. As soon as I began to feed my body again all the weight came right back. It was not sustainable. I cringe now at the thought of telling any patient to go on all those diets. I did not have the science-based education at that time to know what these things would do to the body long term. I had not done the research myself.

The world of self-healing opened for me in 2013 with a simple and profound social media post by Liana Shanti, founder of Health Mastery Institute. At that time, she was offering her 66 Day Health Mastery Cleanse protocol and I jumped in with both feet. It was the first time I did a juice fast, gave up all meat and dairy completely and implemented an all organic, plant-based diet. The changes I experienced were dramatic and truly life-changing and inspiring. This was the first step forward on my path towards true healing. But it would not be my last.

Even though I experienced so much life proof at that time, I continued to have setbacks in my journey. Old eating habits, the pressure of cultural norms, even the pressure at social gatherings are all patterns I had to break through. It has been a long and winding road since 2013. In 2019 I made the decision to leave Academic Medicine and take a position working with patients at the bedside as a Hospitalist and soon thereafter, found myself on the front lines during one of the biggest health crises this world has faced in the past 50 years. I worked long 12 hour shifts in a very stressful environment and rarely saw the sun. My diet was subpar, my sleep restless at best. This culmination of events brought me face to face with the realization that my health had to be my top priority. I knew that meant choosing a plant-based, whole foods, low fat diet.

Making the choice to study at Health Mastery Institute is what finally gave me what I was searching for: the science, the education, the practices and protocols to make the changes to my life that actually heal and support the body for optimal health. A blueprint for preventive optimal health.

Through HMI, I have learned that the health of our body is not separate from the health of our minds and our spirits. Our emotional self, our spiritual self, our physical self. They are deeply connected. This is what holistic wellness is all about. For me the recognition of codependency, Chronic post-traumatic stress disorder due to narcissistic patterns in several relationships beginning in childhood to my adult years, the power of cultural and family conditioning on my life choices, food cravings and addictions, the need for validation or love in dysfunctional friendships or relationships all affected my physical health. These were all interconnected signs of my dis-ease manifesting. It is vital to acknowledge and heal the whole self.

Today, I am a stronger, healthier, freer person in all ways, because of the work I have done with Liana Shanti’s programs. I am a better medical practitioner with so many practical, science-based protocols and personal experience to share. I no longer take any medications. I am passionate about the plant-based food I prepare as fuel and medicine for my body and soul. I am healing my body of Candida, my hypertension is controlled by lifestyle and diet, and I no longer suffer from depression, disruptive sleep patterns and more. I am strong and filled with energy. I am also strong in spirit, in setting healthy boundaries and in my walk with God. And I would love to empower you to do the same.

Hello and Welcome!

I am Roxanne Smith, a Board-certified Medical Doctor trained in allopathic medicine, and I am also a Holistic Health & Wellness Coach. These two things may seem like the far ends of a spectrum and in many ways they absolutely are. From writing prescriptions to writing wellness plans, from symptom management to candida cleanses & juice fasting, I have come full circle on a long journey to true healing. And I am so excited to share what I have learned with you.

I have been searching for optimal health for as long as I can remember. It is what led me to pursue a career in Medicine. Even as a young person I was acutely aware that what we put in our body affected every aspect of who we are. I questioned the use of margarine and other GMO foods as a teen. I developed an intolerance to cow’s milk fairly young and wondering why I was drinking something that was designed for baby calves. So, I gave that up. I had a coffee dependency at 16 years old. I switched to teas when I realized it was affecting my mood. I eventually gave up beef and pork, soda and refined sugars by the age of 20. But I still ate chicken and fish. In college I ate poorly and gained weight. By the time I entered medical school, I was surviving on a diet of sunflower seeds. And I gained more weight. I was a skinny-fat person, with fat accumulating in my torso. For decades, I lived in an unhealthy body.

Dr. Smith’s education and experience includes:

  • Over 15 years experience in the medical field both as a physician and in academic medicine.

  • Trained in holistic health coaching by Health Mastery Institute, the world’s premier institute for plant-based wellness.

Dr. Smith’s services and licensure includes:

  • Plant-based nutrition guidance.

  • General medical care and guidance for adults managing diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and many more.

  • Licensure in the states of Hawaii since 2021, Washington DC since 2004, Maryland since 2003, Texas since 2022, Florida since 2022.